Writing the Show

Hello everyone! With the first episode of the show well underway, I thought it would be a good time to make myself known.

I am Brendan Hayworth, lead writer and creative director of Haycoop Productions. Over the past several months, Jordan and I have been hard at work on designing Elsa: A fighting chance (Tenative title!) and are very excited to eventually be able to show it to everyone. Creating the show has been an adventure in and of itself, and over the course of development I’d like to share with you some of the trials we’ve faced getting to this point.

No creative endeavor is ever started without love, but one of the things we’ve learned is you have to kill your darlings. If the dynamic isn’t working, if the stories aren’t coming and everything feels like an awkward lunch with family, you have to be willing to start from scratch. We’ve restarted the show about four times now, and each time it’s better: More interesting, more engaging, and ultimately, more fun.

Currently, the first episode of the new version of the show is being written by myself. It’s coming along nicely, and it’ll be great to finally show it off. Soon!TM